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Stomatologichna praktika kernickogo rostislava tarasovicha, : reviews, photos, menus, delivery, contacts, phonesStomatologichna praktika kernickogo rostislava tarasovicha, : reviews, photos, menus, delivery, contacts, phones

Stomatologichna praktika kernickogo rostislava tarasovicha

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Closed. Will open today at 09:00
  • DayScheduleDinner
  • Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri09:00-20:00Non-stop
  • Sat09:00-15:00Non-stop
  • SunClosedNon-stop
Provision of dental services.
(1 review)
Overall Rating
Ilona Bekish
Ilona Bekish
2022-08-31 09:47
You can visit this clinic if you have extra money and time, because be prepared that in addition to the problem with which you have addressed, a million other related problems will be "found" and no one will be able to tell you how much more you will have to go. at the beginning, the cost of hygiene was announced to me from 900 to 1200. In total, for all these 3 procedures, it was 2500. And I haven\'t even reached the crown yet. Good luck :)
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