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Arabesque Ballet Studio Studio of classical and modern choreography Set of children from 3 years Choreography for children from 3 years We offer interesting classes with experienced choreographers for children. 3 - 6 years (at this age children are just beginning to learn the basics of dance; classes are aimed at developing plasticity, sense of rhythm, perception of music); warm-up exercises, which are always held in the form of a game; study of basic PA; ground gymnastics. The lesson lasts from 45 to 60 minutes (duration depends on the age of the children). Choreography for children from 7 years Basics of modern and classical choreography + gymnastics. Classes are held with live music. To the account of preliminary registration for a new set or for detailed information call: 0667384575/0661092028 Arabesque Dance Studio offers: basics of classical dance; basics of modern dance; gymnastics; rhythmics and choreography; individual lessons for children and adults; participation in competitions and festivals; ballet for adults (hobby class); staging a wedding dance.
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